
Japanese Emperor

Japanese Emperor system is unique. We could trace the imperial family tree from 3 century.
Japan had been basically paper and wood culture, it is not stone unfortunately. So from what we could know, existing oldest paper history book was authored on 720 by current imperial blood family. The history book said the family had been a ruler from the beginning of Japan. But it is not believable for me and everyone. When is the beginning?

Around 8 century, emperor family dominated mid of Japan and became influential on the other regions. Before then, there were many small countries/regions around Japan, and Emperor was also one of them. I believe this is much understandable and reasonable for me.

Anyhow, They have a clear history from 8 century as an Emperor. It is true and interesting.
Why could they survive 1300 years?

My opinion:
At the beginning, they had army and conquered Japan. After conquering, they were just a symbol. Especially year 1192, they named Samurai as General (so called Sho-Gun) and agreed for him to govern Japan. Government had changed several times, but General always named by Emperor who does not have any political power until End of samurai-age 1868. The No-Political power helped them to survive until now.

~710 : predawn (small countries / regions)
710~794: Capital was in Nara Prefecture.
794~1868 : Capital was in Kyoto Prefecture. (Note: Even Governmental location was different.) 1868~ : Tokyo prefecture


Japanese holiday

16 national holiday. And there is 3 long holiday season (depending on company). 

New year holiday: Dec 28 or 29 to Jan 4 or 5
Golden week: 1st week of May
Bon week: Aug 11 to 16 (Bon is word of buddism, time when ancestors back to house/home)
Most of Japanese business person do not take their vacation holiday by themselves. So all of Japanese take the vacation at the same time. For travelers, during the long holiday season, it is very difficult to find hotels and ticket. Everything is expensive and crowded.

Climates (4 seasons)

Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
In the spring, most of all Japanese go to see a cherry blossom and cerebrate the spring.
Strongly recommend to visit 1st week of April, if you want to see the cherry blossom.
Between Spring and summer, there is rainy season (June).

In summer, hot and humid (50~60%), you could see and enjoy fireworks. So many Fireworks event will be hold during summer and anywhere in Japan. Mainly weekend. Japan's Fireworks should be nice, but have to be prepared for heavy traffic.

Autumn, best season for sightseeing. Enjoy autumn leaves, food and hot spring.
To see autumn leaves, visit Temple and shrine, best combination.

Winter is also good for fish food, able to see snow in mind/north.


Is Japanese people Shy?

Yes, Overall average national characters of Japanese is Shy;
Fundamental education: Try not to bother someone, Drama-Free.
For this fundamental education, sometime, Yes they are Shy people.

Some people say Japanese has two faces.
Be seemingly being nice but are thinking of different things. 
Yes, it is also right compared. So some time travelers might be confused and misunderstand. But it is not only Japanese, it would be a feature of the human race. 

Definitely Japanese are polite and kind at a first contact and they will try to help you when you ask even they could not speak English well. Don't you think it is better than not a kindness?

So please ask any question to Japanese, you do not feed bad normally.


Food: Okonomi Yaki

Today's Dinner was so called "Okonomi Yaki". (Okonomi = What you like, Yaki = Grilled)
This is "Osaka" prefecture local and soul food. But now widely known throughout Japan.
Let's say "Japanese Pizza". Like Pizza, there are so many combination of toppings. But on the top, usually with Okonomi sauce and mayonnaise.

Today I selected, Pork &  noodle.

Foundation: Egg & Cabbage
Sauce: Okonomi sauce 
Toppings selection: Pork, Beef, See food (mainly shrimp and/or squid), Cheese, noodle and others.

Interesting things, the taste might not be good or familiar to travelers.. Because when I tried to go Okonomi-Yaki restaurant with my US and other people, they just eat a little.. 
And when I lived in USA, some Japanese tried to open the Okonomi-Yaki restaurant, but be closed with in 6 month..
For the taste of sauce? I don't know.

If you have an interest, please try to!

Japan's islands

There are 4 Main islands

  • Hokkaido (Ho = North, kkai = See, do = road)
    Northernmost, this is just for 1 largest prefecture.
    Nice see food you could eat. Many good ski places are there. Many people want to go there to see ice field (North-East of this island).
  • Honshu (Hon = Main, Shu = Land)
    Main island, Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto, place where most of travelers want to go are in this island.
    Many things to talk... will be updated later day.
  • Shikoku (Shi = 4, Koku = Land/Country)
    There are 4 prefectures. Especially, Kagawa-prefecture is famous for noodles made of wheat flour, so called UDON. Many people go there just for UDON (Normally visit 3-4 UDON restaurant in one day...:)
  • Kyuushu (Kyu = 9, Shu = Land/Country)
    There are 7 prefectures, why not 9? In the Samurai-age, there were 9 countries!
    Unfortunately, there was BIG earthquake recently. Really pay for their recovery!